
Crazy Sexy Recipes. They'll make you look good.

By now my affinity for health and wellness is no surprise. I just loooove feeling good and vibrant and keeping you in-the-know on how to live your healthiest life. 

One of my riveting role models, wellness gurus and all-around life-lovin' rock stars, Kris Carr, featured a recipe blog post by yours truly on her web site: CrazySexyLife!

The Crazy, Sexy, Life message is all about getting into your best physical, mental and emotional shape. But what I love most is that it helps provide tools for change without asking you to abandon everything you love and become someone different. You can be YOU. Only YOU...2.0 version. 

Check out my article here, test some recipes, let me know how your feeling. 

And come back later for a special requested recipe from a reader who can't eat anything!*

*Okay, she can eat. But no yeast/gluten/dairy/nuts/fruit allowed. So this upcoming dinner idea is extra creative (and delicious!). 

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